Monday, October 11, 2010

A Monday Off

First of all, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in Canada!!! I know Smudge and Lester are enjoying some turkey bits today.
Well my three-day weekend is nearing an end (it's Columbus day and government workers have the day off). I didn't get as much done this weekend as I wanted to (weekends are never long enough...).

Halloween season officially started here at Chez Stella Bella with an annual viewing of one of my favorite movies Tim Burton's Sleepy Hallow.  We also watched Martha Stewart's Halloween special. I wish I had the time and supplies (and staff.....) to do everything on her Halloween Central website. 

Today, Edgar Poe and Stella went to the vet for their annual check up.  They were not happy but did check out all healthy.  For being good kitties, they did get treats and just to make it fair, Morpheus and Gomez got treats too.

I'm a little over halfway through sewing rows together for this year's Halloween quilt.  I had hoped to show a finished top today but here's Stella with a little look-see. 


  1. oooo! your halloween quilt is coool!!! and Stella looks especially lovely whilst sitting upon it...

  2. From what I can see, your Halloween quilt is wonderful. Love the fabrics. Stella is so pretty sitting there.

  3. Smudge and Lester definitely did enjoy some turkey yesterday! And then they crashed for the rest of the evening!
    Stella looks adorable.

  4. Poor kitties! Glad they are fine (o:
    Love the quilt you are making. Great pattern.


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