Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hints of Autumn

Today would have been a perfect Fall day...if it had been 10 degrees cooler (it was 88F and breezy and sunny, just a bit too warm).

First hint of Autumn is the arrival of Starbucks Anniversary Blend coffee.
My second favorite kind. The aged Sumatran beans gives it a nice depth and a bit of spice. Perfect for Autumn. A perfect with a pumpkin scone (I resisted this autumnal fav.)

While running errands this afternoon, I stopped by my old store and visited with the Sunday crew. I miss my Sunday crew. I miss my free pound of coffee a week also. But I do not miss being zombie-tired from working two jobs. Not at all.

Not much sewing time in today but I did finish another block of Hocuspocusville last night. This is my fourth completed block and a fun one to sew.

I worked a bit on my new project this afternoon until Edgar Poe muscled in on my work space. Because he decided to get in the way, he was used for block storage space (hee hee).

Another hint of Autumn is late afternoon dappled sunshine.
Morpheus enjoys this hint the best.


  1. What a cute little helper Edgar Poe is! And Morpheus looks so content basking in the sun. My black kitties Poe and Teddy like to do that, too!

  2. Your fall sounds perfect to me! We've had to put heat on a few times.
    Fabulous kitty shots.

  3. Aw, your cats are so darling. Predictions are more heat this week; if only it would give it up already.

  4. Love the kitty pics. Hoping for cool weather to get here soon.

  5. I know what you mean. I don't miss the few perks of teaching at all compared to the work. However, there are some perks that retired teachers still get.

  6. Hi Gretch,
    You have been nominated for the Sunshine Award. Visit my blog for the details.


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