Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Autumnal Equinox, Harvest Moon, and Wrathy Grapes

Happy Autumn everyone!  My favorite season and my favorite time of the year.  Although the weather is STILL not cooperating (still 90F during the day) and I am wearing sandals at the end of September. Even without looking at the calendar, I could tell it was a full moon tonight because of the wacky phone calls today. The full moon closest to the autumnal equinox is called the harvest moon.  Nothing to harvest here because we haven't had any rain in weeks!  I'm beginning to feel like a John Steinbeck character in The Grapes of Wrath; the garden and yard are hard-packed dirt with dead weeds. 
Martha does Halloween the best.

Since October is almost here,  it's time to get out the Halloween coffee cups (my usual beverage vessel--the coffee cup--good for everything including wine, white or red, doesn't matter) and stock up on this year's Halloween themed magazines. 
Make lots of projects with Halloween fabric. This fabric reminds me of myself--running around with cats everywhere.

My sewing friends and I (we really need to figure out a name for our little group) are doing another fabric swap.  This is swap #3.  Have I finished the other 2 projects yet?  That would be a big no....

Here are my bundles all ready for swapping (with Halloween ribbon, natch!).  The little black kitty feet belong to Mr. Gomez.  He's Mr. Halloween 24/7.


  1. I am ready for the new project-even though there are 16 million 45 others still to complete. It keeps me out of trouble. Happy Fall to you-now if it would only cool down a bit

  2. Love that Halloween fabric, Gretchen. It is a very fitting fabric for a cat lover!

  3. love the way you Martha-ed the bundles for swapping ... you are SUCH an overachiever!

    it actually rained here last night - lightning and thunder, too - but real water came forth from the skies - woo hoo!

    by the way - i STILL have FOUR more HPV buildings to stitch - remember to wave at me in the rear view mirror when you zoom past me...

  4. Somehow I'm not ready for Fall yet )o: We have had some lovely late summer days and I am hoping for more!
    Love the items you gathered and the witch/cat fabric is gorgeous.

  5. Oh how fun to visit. You have the complete feel of it. Love those fabrics wrapped in Halloween ribbon. LOVE THEM!!! with Gomez in the photo (I think)

  6. That black kitty fabric is really cute! When we were driving to TN Friday night the rising moon looked very orange and fallish.

  7. Wonderful Halloween fabric! I have my swap fabric cut and ready to swap.


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