Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Michigan Report: Part 1

Finally got the photos downloaded and organized from my Michigan trip. So here's a little recap of my visit the first week of July. Most of the trip was spent entertaining Ms. Mackenzie who turned 4 months old and is as cute as she can be!
She loves going places and gets bored rather easily so I called her "miss high maintenance!". She likes to go go go and didn't want to take her naps or go to bed because she might miss something. We kept her so busy and entertained that she slept 11 hours straight after we left. Whew! I was exhausted too!

I also spent lots of quality time with nephew dog Jack who is doing a great job getting used to having Mackenzie as a baby sister. I always bring Jack extra-special dog treats when I visit. He likes pumpkin-flavored organic treats and will "talk" to me with little howls and barks until I get up and get him treats (not that his aunt Gretchen spoils him or anything....).
And we cannot forget the Princess Shiloh, my parents' dog (AKA my adopted half-sister) Shiloh is one of the calmest, most laid back dogs ever. She even likes to sleep late in the AM! (Wish the cats liked to sleep in some days...) Shiloh gets treats too don't worry about that!)

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know my mom, SIL, and me always go on mini-shop hops around the area (not that we need more fabric but we like to help out the Michigan economy). I didn't do anything to help the MI economy this time though! We went to Mabelena's and I didn't buy a thing. How terrible! (I'm very happy they have a website, twitter, & facebook pages now so y'all can visit them too!)

We also took a day trip to Bay City and went to some of the best antique stores I've been to in a long long time. Everyone else bought stuff; I didn't buy anything. We even found this super fantastic historic building with a quilt store
I LOVE this building! It even has its original display windows. Gorgeous! You can visit Fabric Fair online too. I didn't buy anything here either... I feel like such a bad quilter...

I did find a great linen tablecloth at a yard sale for $3 though. Does that count?


  1. It sounds like you had a fun time! I'm surprised that you didn't buy anything at the quilt stores!

  2. What a nice family you have. I especially like your adopted half-sister. And the building! It is wonderful! I guess it's good to abstain from shopping occasionally sigh.

  3. From what I read, you had a lovely time. Who is that sweet little girl? Already so active at four months. Oh dear, what will it be once she starts crawling.

  4. Gretchen, Ms. Mackenzie is growing so fast and isn't she so pretty? I mean really! She's really pretty... already. I'm happy to see Jack, too. What a good buddy.

  5. waaaay cool building ... and gor-gee-ous baby girl - makes me want to smooch those little cheeks!

    by the way - Hallographix is out there now - and you GOTTA go buy some (cuz you megged me months ago)

  6. What a fun time you must have had! The pics are great!


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