Monday, April 12, 2010

Hanging Up My Apron

Yesterday I put in my resignation at Starbucks effective at the end of this month. Sigh.... I am sad, but it is time. I've worked two jobs nearly eight years and I am getting burned out. It is time for a break. I will miss my coworkers, our regular customers, and all that free coffee but I want to leave on a high note.

I am immensely excited about the prospect of more free time
to spend with S. and the cats
to sew
and to blog!


  1. Well, congratulations, you will certainly have more quilting time now.

  2. Good for you and now you can sew and blog and play with the four footers and the Thimbles. Don't forget quilt camps!!!! I still have your GS cookies...will you be at Thimbles Saturday?

  3. Yahoo!!!! Congratulations! I was surprised to hear you were "hanging up your apron." Don't know how you managed to work two jobs for so long. You'll have time to create, relax and just BE!

  4. Congratulations...this is terrific news. Time...priceless!!! whoo hoooo


  5. Right on! I'm thrilled for you. It's been a good run. A bit of hard work to reflect back upon is good for the soul. I did it myself when I needed to although not for 5 years. I wasn't tough enough for that. Still, I do know what it takes I have the utmost RESPECT for you to have pulled this balancing act off for so long. You amazing me!

  6. And you can always go back for coffee. ;-)

  7. Congratulations, more time for sewing.


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate each and every one and will try my best to respond back.