Sunday, January 31, 2010

Two New Roles

This new year brings two new roles for me. In March, my dearest and only brother and his wife are expecting their first baby. I am so excited about being an aunt!!! I wasn't able to be at the baby shower yesterday but of course, I sent a big box of goodies to Michigan for my future niece (nothing pink though, I don't do pink).
Yes, there was a quilt in that box. A sweet little 30s nine-patch.
I quilted it myself too.

The second new role was unexpected. I was promoted to a newly created management position at my day job last week. So now I am officially middle management and officially a Dilbert cartoon. In keeping with this economy, I got a very itty bitty raise with the promotion, so am still stuck working two jobs. But I am grateful for the opportunity and the challenge.


  1. Congratulations on your promotion! Your quilt is just wonderful! The baby will just love it!

  2. Congratulations on the promotion girl! You deserve it!!!!

    I know that baby is going to love love love the quilt auntie Gretch made.You don't do pink but I bet SHE will. Oh the places you will go with that baby...hahahaha.


  3. Congratulations on both new roles. Your quilt is beautiful and will be well loved!!!

  4. Good for you on both fronts. Being an aunt will be fun, even from a distance. Being middle management will be a challenge.

  5. Congrats on the new job-you so very much deserve it! modern baby girls don't just do pink so you are okay!

  6. Congratulation on your new job! It's great that you're moving up with today's economy. I'm sure your niece and her family will enjoy that beautiful quilt!

  7. Congratulations on your promotion! Your quilt is fabulous -- so cheerful and perfect for a baby!

  8. congratulations on both!

    being an auntie is ALMOST as good as being a grandmother (but you get to be young)

    love the baby quilt! it's a happy, lovely one and will hug your little niece when you can't...

  9. Congratulations on the new job, that is great. You definitely deserve it.

    The baby quilt is great.

  10. Congratulations on your promotion, Gretchen, very nifty in this horrible economy. The baby quilt is perfect.

  11. What a sweet quilt for your future niece! I love it! Congrats on the new job!


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