Monday, January 18, 2010


Yes, I have been AWOL from blogland this week. It's been a busy week--not much sewing done, not much of anything done, just busy with work and life. Saturday was our Silver Thimble Quilt Club. I grabbed whatever project was in my bags and worked on it. I made the pieces for 130 3" nine-patches for the Double Delight quilt and that took most of the 5 hours. Check Pat's blog for some photos (I forgot my camera). I need to get caught up on everything and post some photos. Hope to do that soon.

Today was a day off for Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. I have a million things to get done today. One project (ordeal???) was taking Gomez
to the vet for his annual check up and he is now rather annoyed with me. Here he is looking sweet. I think I will get snubbed for the rest of the day.

OK must get back to chores...


  1. Well thank the heavens above you're back. I thought you were abducted and I was concerned. Not so much about you although I do luv you but mostly about Poe and Gomez and Stella and Morpheus because I think you dissed him on the present wrapping and he already felt unloved. I mean, I'm just sayin'...

  2. Awww, sweet little Gomez! I missed getting to see you at Thimbles. I was there late Friday afternoon. Karmen

  3. Missed seeing you at Thimbles. I was there on Friday. Hope you enjoyed your day off.

  4. I really enjoyed seeing everyone at Thimbles this weekend! Becky also posted some great photos.

  5. I figure 10 days is a good amount of days to drop in and check in on my friend and the felines... thinking of you. *karendianne.


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