Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Most Tiring Time of the Year...

Not much holiday stuff going on here. Just working many many many hours at Starbucks and looking ahead to a week of many many many more hours that's about it. This year seems to be a bit harder than others. I think most businesses are cutting back on staff due to the economy yet still expect high sales goals. Please be kind to retail and food service workers out there...

Saturday was our Silver Thimble Quilt Club. I worked on my December BOMs and a gift quilt. I haven't even unpacked my stuff since then so I'll show photos later. I worked every night last week so didn't have time to make cookies for the cookie swap and I left a little early, really wanting a nap more than anything.

Today more SBux and another nap. Fun times! Anyway, I am glad I stocked up on some quick dinner options so when I'm too tired to cook there's some half-way decent food around.
Tonight it was dinner from Ikea!
I love Ikea's restaurant--it's so reasonable. So tonight it was meatballs with lingonberry jam, rice, and frozen petite peas. Next time I'm there, I'll get a couple bags to stash in the freezer.

Well blog posts may be sparse. Hope everyone is having a great holiday season. Sort of wish I was snowed in with the rest of the east coast. I would love to go sledding!


  1. Ah, Gretchen, I am glad you had a Silver Thimble day in amongst all that working. Yummy meal you had there, it sounds good. Are you going to work at Starbucks continuously through the holidays?

  2. i did not know that IKEA has food!

    the rotten thing about cutting staff and expecting those left to pick up the slack is: if it is a successful strategy, the overworked remain overworked and the Company places higher goals - expecting more and more with less and less ... it is a vicious cycle ...... anywho, i don't have much discretionary income - but when i DO get to spend, i promise to be kind - maybe we can start a new trend, eh?

  3. I hope you have a day or two to relax and that you have a Merry Christmas!


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