Wednesday, November 11, 2009

If it had rained any harder....

"Ida" drowned!

This bad pun was brought to you today by Tropical Storm Ida, which dropped over 4" of rain and all the fall leaves on Atlanta yesterday.

Now back to your regularly scheduled blog.


  1. And to top that off, now it is getting chilly....Grrrr what happened to that beautiful weekend??? And while I am whining...when is Thimbles??

  2. And still raining tonight! Make it stop, I have a brand-new leak over my bed!

  3. Ah, that was nothing. We had 5.5" in South AL. Ida seemed mild here with little wind and the rain was soft but constant.

  4. I said I would never complain if there was too much rain after the horrible drought...I'm biting my tongue now.


  5. At least this weekend has been great. Let's enjoy it before the rain comes back.


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