Sunday, November 1, 2009

Can Someone Please Press Pause???

I am not ready for November. In fact, let's rewind back to October. I am still trying to wade through blog posts and emails. If I haven't commented or replied, I am sorry and I will get through everything and I thank you all for commenting and emailing and just being out there in bloggyland.

Since I returned from Michigan, I have been running around like my hair was on fire, working working working. For my day-job, our office relocated over the weekend which means all last week was packing packing packing, supervising movers late at night and on the weekend, and starting tomorrow unpacking unpacking unpacking. So I worked all weekend there and at SBux and missed Bad Melisa's Spooktacular party , and missed watching "Nightmare Before Christmas" and singing along with all the songs and missed carving pumpkins. Foo!

I also missed posting a photo of my super-fantastic-best-birthday-cake-ever that I had in Michigan. (thanks again Mom!!!)
I always ask for Halloween-themed b-day cakes since it's a week before Halloween. Lots of purple, a moon, plump frosting pumpkins, polka-dots and a witch--now that's a cake!!
The cake is marble cake with buttercream icing and is from Sweet and Savory Bakeshop. This was the BEST bakery cake I've ever had--perfect tasty cake and perfect not too sweet, creamy frosting. I heart Sweet and Savory Bakeshop but am REALLY glad it is nowhere close to me or I would have to make up some holidays to celebrate....I'm just saying.

Oh hello is this blog ever going to get back to quilting????? you are asking. Yes, I am working on something right now that should be done this upcoming weekend since November is dragging me along with it....


  1. But November is the bestest of months: it is my birthday month. See, don't you feel better?

  2. I know the feeling. I'd like to start October again too.

  3. I love that cake. It must have been a shame to have to cut into it

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  4. Oh I love your birthday cake...when you find that pause button would you please let me know. I don't think I've ever had a year fly so fast.

  5. Did you bring me a piece of cake?

  6. I'm with you on the pause button - I feel like I'm spinning my wheels all the time while the clock just keeps on ticking and the calendar pages just keep on turning! Yummy looking b'day cake - hope you enjoyed it!

  7. Your birthday cake is a riot! I'm sorry you had to work through Halloween!

  8. now THAT is a birthday cake i could sink my teeth into! all halloweeny and witchy and purple autumny - oooo yum yum yum!

  9. Love you and that cake is enough to make me smile...but having you as a friend makes me smile more.

  10. Oh man, I always hate it when we miss anything that Bad Melisa does. But I'll tell you something... You got me with that Cake! How cool is that?! Love IT!

    As for a rewind on the Months - I'm pretty much "all in" except for the weather. I could use the time but not the heat. Have any SPELLS left over from Halloween to tackle that?

    I'm not worried about your quilting. You're always one to have something purring in the background (oh, I meant on the machine! ~ hee)

    Cat Love, *karendianne.

  11. I would like to go back a few months myself. Want to meet me to hear Kate Jacobs tongiht.

  12. Gorgeous cake! Almost too pretty to cut. Glad that your Mom helped you celebrate@


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