Monday, August 31, 2009

No more bad news for now

A very quick post as I just got home from Starbucks and need to get to bed soon. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for all your support, kind words, and commiseration!!! I am so grateful to you all!

The meeting today went OK and there are no planned cuts to personnel coming from the department. Troops are rallying in the office and we are moving onward.

Quilty and cat-related posts coming up :)


  1. I'm glad there was no more bad news. I'll keep my fingers crossed that that was the end of it!

  2. I'm glad everything is Ok

    Love and hugs Gina xxxx

  3. As Catherine says, hope there is no further bad news.

  4. I am so glad to hear this news but I will still pray for you all. Did you get some of them cooler temps?

  5. You were on my mind all day yesterday. I am so glad you posted. Glad you are safe

  6. whew! (wiping sweat from brow) the Fates are not always cruel, eh?

  7. Onward and upward...we are woman...we are strong. Right?


  8. Very good news...thank you for the update.


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate each and every one and will try my best to respond back.