Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sundays go by too fast

Why is it that Sundays go by so fast???? I had today off from Starbucks (usually I work every Sunday in the morning) so I slept in, read the entire NY Times, drank a pot of coffee, made an omelet for breakfast, and sewed some more. I also had some house chores to do so it was not as fun as yesterday.

I had set up my Featherweight in the living room so I could catch up on some Tivo'ed stuff. Morpheus likes to hang out and help sew when I do this. Here he is picking out the next block to sew.
Morph is also good at keeping track of directions, apparently he can read upside down even... Or maybe he is critiquing fabric choices....
After squaring up 96 half-square triangles and sewing together half of the split nine-patch blocks, Morph needs a nap
...on the blocks....
Morph and I hope to finish this quilt this week. The pattern is "American Beauty" out of one of my favorite quilt books 40 Fabulous Quick Cut Quilts. The fabrics are all from my stash (mostly Moda) and match Morph's coat and collar quite well, so this will be his quilt.
Stella already has her own quilt but she just had to get in on this photo of some blocks.

PS: *karendianne this post is just for you :)


  1. It's so nice when your animals help you. Stanley just likes to get in the way

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  2. Sounds like an ideal day. I spent most of my afternoon wrestling with making my first sofa cushion cover. I had to walk away.

  3. Sounds as though you got a lot accomplished...... but then again, you did have all that help!

  4. Maybe you should get them sewing machines they could then hlep with your projects.

  5. Nothing like a little kitty help when stitching! :-) Sounds like you got a lot done!

  6. I love that book too! Your kitties are too cute and look like two of mine...Ginger and Shadow. Unfortunately Shadow once decided a tub of my cut fabric looked an awful lot like his kitty box and decided to give it a try...he has been banished from the sewing room needless to say. Sounds like you had a fun weekend :)

  7. Great looking blocks! They look wonderful next to Morpheus. Glad you were able to enjoy a Sunday sewing.

  8. Stella is so sweet and cute. And as for Morpheous, I made note how he enjoys helping but those claws of his are no joke! He uses them with such skill. I think he's choosing blocks and culling blocks. He knows what to pull and what to keep. Very decisive cat. But then look at him so crashed out after all that kitty quilting work! Oh he's so cuteamous. Thank you for the joyful post of the Quilting Kitties. They do make for such better piecing, wouldn't you say?

  9. Morph, you are an absolute riot. And Stella obviously wants another quilt.


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