Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Morpheus Makes a Quilt Part Two

Morpheus and I are continuing to work on his quilt from this post. We finished all the blocks and are ready to lay out the quilt and start sewing the rows together. Morph is checking out the directions again.

Here he is after laying out some blocks and sewing rows together.
The black fabric matches so nicely with his coat.

Wait a minute. This is not how you lay out rows to sew together....

Perhaps he got into some of Gomez's catnip.

I don't think twirling around on the floor is part of quiltmaking.
Obviously, this sewing session is over..... Someone is just too excited to sew....


  1. Aah he's trying to help. Bless him

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  2. He is too funny! What ever would you do without all that help? LOL!!!

  3. I am laughing so hard this morning I can't tell you!!!

    Morph, you're the BEST cat around for real for sure. You're a great quiltmaker and you've reached a fun part in the process. Perhaps consider staying out of the Stash of Gomez prior to hittin' the sewing room is all. But I'm thinking that's not it. I'm thinking you're just too cute for words and this is the REAL Morph!!! honor to know you.

  4. Morpheus is sooooooOOO cute ! And willing to help at any time - can't do anything else then love him :o)

  5. Morph is adorable -- and SO helpful! What's a quilt without a kitty consultation on design?

  6. That is a vital part of making a quilt to the felines of the world....


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate each and every one and will try my best to respond back.