Sunday, August 23, 2009

Good Times

Well Friday and Saturday turned out to be lots of fun and made up for a rather blah week. Friday night, S. and I went to see John Oliver (from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and "The Bugle" podcast) perform at Georgia Tech.
We had second row seats.
Guess who was the geek who called the second tickets went on sale?
Um, yes, that would be me...

Seth Meyers, who does the Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live, was the opening act. I think I was laughing to hard and forgot to take a photo.

Both comedians were great! I am so glad we went because sometimes you just actually need to get out of the house and have some big fun. This show was big fun.

Did I mention that John Oliver was great?

Saturday was my sewing group meeting. There was some great show n' tell that should be up on Pat's blog soon. It was fun sewing with Karin, Cindi, Becky, and Sarah. We are all planning on meeting at Sweet Home Quilt Co. on Friday for Bad Melisa's midnight madness sale.


  1. It sounds like it was a fabulous show. I'm glad you went.

  2. Okay, anything called Bad Melisa's midnight Madness Sale sounds fun to me!! Right up my ally actually.

    And girlfriend, you're so right. I have to remember, sometimes a girl just has to get out of the cave. I can only imagine the amount of laughter you experienced. Wish I was there!!!

    PS: took a couple days but Kingston finally ate the wet.


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