Saturday, July 25, 2009

Saturday with Harry

Harry Potter that is. I dragged S. to see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince with me this afternoon. Two movies at the theater in two week--I'm livin' big, let me tell you! I had to see HP at the theater though on the big screen. (I have them all on DVD too.) HP & tHBP was another great movie in the series.

I also went to Melisa's in the morning. I saw Cindi there but missed Karin, who must have been waiting for Melisa to open the doors at 10AM. Bought a few things. I'll post a photo tomorrow. Now I'm off to cut up some fabric.


  1. We saw HP last weekend after doing an HP marathon of the previous movies. Now we are ready for the next two movies. LOL

  2. I am still waiting to see it!!! I can not wait.

    I made my first Christmas present for the season. Come see it. I am just tickled pink...or shoud that be red and green.

    Have fun cutting!!!

  3. A treat! Did you have lots of popcorn and stuff?

  4. Haven't seen it yet, will probably wait until I can watch it at home

  5. Can't wait to see it...we're waiting for Zach to come home from his ROTC training.


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