Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Peaceful (and Pieceful) Saturday

I am so glad this week is over. I was really busy with day job this week (lots of traveling around the state), hence the lack of posts. I didn't have to work at SBux last night so had a great evening at home with the cats and working on projects. I'm also trying to catch up on blogs and emails.

It is overcast and rainy here, which means I can't clean the carpets (too damp) and can bypass working in the yard. So I got up early for a Saturday and finished this project:
I love love love this quilt. Very 1940s. I got the pattern and fabric from Sweet Home Quilt Co. (Melisa takes on-line orders if you want to make one too!)
Stella is settling in for nap time. I, on the other hand, am going to start in on another project. More later....


  1. A very pretty quilt given the kitty paws-up seal of approval!

  2. A really, really nice quilt. Unusual. And definitely looks good under Stella!

  3. I love it when the kitty approves!!!

    What a great quilt...the color combination does make for a wonderful contrast.

  4. I love that quilt! That pattern was my favorite when I visited Sweet Home during the Shop Hop.

  5. What a fun, wonderful quilt!

  6. The Stella seal of approval...she has such good taste. What a lazy Saturday. i spent the afternoon on the couch with the little boy (still nameless)!!

  7. The quilt is beautiful and Stella is adorable!

  8. Great quilt, Gretchen! Beautifully made. And I love the cat on it (O:

  9. That Stella is such a gorgeous girl! She looks like a sweet cat who enjoys your quilts. Very nice quilt!


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate each and every one and will try my best to respond back.