Tuesday, March 10, 2009

When plans go awry

Well my best laid plans to get sewing done have gone awry. I've been in bed sick the past two days. I have no idea what I have; it started with a headache, then a 24-hour low-grade fever & some congestion and I just felt horrible. Some sort of virus I guess. Anyway it is day two and I just need to be better so am willing myself not to be sick. Two days is the maximum days I can be sick and then everything starts piling up--laundry piles up, dishes pile up, cat boxes need cleaned, etc. S. was so sweet and brought me dinner and a cupcake last night. Cupcakes or M&Ms cure anything. Anyway, I'm working the rest of the week at SBux so it will be this weekend before I get any sewing time in.


  1. Sorry you're feeling poorly - don't rush back to work, give yourself some time to get better. There's nothing that can't wait for a day or two I'm sure. I hope you're feeling better enough to do some sewing soon.

  2. I hope you feel much better but don't push yourself to start doing everything at once -- give yourself a little time to recover!

  3. So sorry you are under the weather. Hope you are feeling better soon. I bet some chocolate will help

  4. Hope YOU are deeling better soon...I have been down for two days with s kidney infection so I know how yo feel.

  5. Oh darn, I'm so sorry you're not feeling well...don't push it...there's a mean, mean virus running around. Take it slow!

  6. Oh Yuk! This sounds like the virus that I had two weeks ago. It took a week before I felt better. Hope that you are on the mend. A book, a quilt, a cup of tea, a cat -- all good medicine!

  7. Oh my...I hope you feel better soon! Take care of yourself. :)

  8. Get well soon girly..there is sewing to be done. Did you ever consider it was the spring cleaning what dun it to ya.. got too much cleaning can be dangerous.


  9. I hope you feel better. SBux, is that Starbucks? Cupcakes and M&Ms should do some of the job to get well again (O:

  10. Hope you are feeling better soon... I like the cure though..cupcakes and m&m's..enough to make anyone fell better :o)

  11. Hope you get better soon, 'specially since you have to work nights all week.

  12. Hope you are feeling better. Take it easy.


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