Thursday, March 19, 2009


Friday is the first day of Spring (in the northern hemisphere)!! Otherwise known as the vernal equinox. Enjoy your equal day- and night-time. Does anyone have plans for the weekend? We are supposed to have fabulous weather here in the ATL and I plan on enjoying some of it before the KILLER POLLEN hits and I am forced to stay inside with a giant box of kleenex.


  1. Tomorrow I will be going to the second best Arts Festival in Fairhope, Al. I am really looking forward to seeing all the different artists and their creations.

  2. It may be the first day of spring but we're to be having -15C wind chills! Hopefully that's the end of cold weather -- sort of winter's last gasp.
    I'll be quilting all weekend. Need to get 2 quilts finished and out the door!

  3. Enjoy the first day of spring...we've been having very spring like weather here in Orlando...but the pollen has already been flying here. Lots of Kleenex!

  4. Happy spring-I hope your weekend is wundermus!!!!
    I plan on lots o' sewing this weekend

  5. Amen to that sista! The pollen takes me out every year. There are probably only 12 days a year that I can actually have my windows open.

  6. Glad that the pollen is not bothering you yet. I've had some problems with the tree pollen. Have to be vigilant about takin my meds.

    We will miss you tomorrow! Have a great weekend! I'm reading the last Twilight book :)


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