Saturday, January 10, 2009

At last this week is over

First, thanks to all the wonderful bloggers out there for all your kind words about the loss of my truck. Second, I am glad this week is over and I hope next week is really boring with no drama.

For those that want a truck update (if not scroll down for some photos): My truck "Xena" was stolen on Tuesday. Thursday I had to go to south Georgia for work on an overnight trip and while I was there, I received a phone call that my truck was found by Atlanta Police. Xena is now in the impound lot (in an unpleasant part of ATL) with a broken steering column, body damage, and a flat tire. I got back into town yesterday afternoon and picked up the rental car that my insurance co. arranged and now I have wheels. Monday I get to experience the adventures of "ATL Police Dept. Standing in Line Waiting for Paperwork" and "Visiting the Impound Lot" and "Seeing How Bad Xena is Damaged". Stay tuned for these and other adventures coming soon!
Now on to other more pleasant things: Here are some photos from my New Year's trip to Maryland/Washington DC area. S. and I went to visit his family and pick up E. from Dulles airport. Due to horrendous traffic on the Beltway, we took a scenic route from Dulles to Maryland via a car ferry across the Potomac River. Not much has changed in a couple hundred years, you can still cross the Potomac by ferry boat, only in cars rather than with horses. For the record: I refrained from any George Washington impersonations while crossing.

We spent one day in DC and went to the newly refurbished Museum of American History. There were several neat displays on the first floor of all kinds of different stuff including a quilt. (Sorry for the glare and the partial photo, it's not easy taking photos around other tourists)

I loved this peacock block so took a detail of it. Maybe this will end up in one of my future quilts, or we can just admire it here....
We had lunch at Old Ebbitt Grill, which is "Washington's oldest, most historic saloon", founded in 1856. The current location is in this Beaux Arts former theater building
The interior is beautiful and full of antiques.
Our booth had this incredible statue of a dog. Loved it and wanted to take it home with me!!!! Isn't it just fabulous???!!!


  1. Sounds like someone took your truck for a joy ride! grrr...

    Great pics of DC...we lived in VA for two years and I loved touring the Smithsonian Museums. I didn't get to them all though.

  2. I am glad they found Zena and hope your adventure on Moday is not too terrible. You were missed this morning at Sweet Home. But we talked about you!! Can't wait until next Saturday for Thimbles.


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