Monday, December 8, 2008

Playing Catch Up

Looking ahead to all the things I need to be doing or should have already done, I realize how far behind I am this month. Is everyone out there in the same boat? The U.S.S. I-Can't-Believe-It's-December-8th!!!!!! Could we possibly move Christmas to Monday December 29th so I have an extra week and weekend to get stuff done?

Last Saturday, my quilting buddies and I had a sewing day at Sweet Home Quilt Co. We took over the upstairs and worked on projects, made frequent trips downstairs to check out the shop and stack up fabric purchases, talked each other into buying things, and made Melisa laugh (at us) with us A LOT! I worked on secret gifty things so I can't post photos yet.

Sunday was crazy day at Starbucks and I didn't get much done after that. Tonight I better get a move on and get some stuff done. I made a big pot of Cajun Bean Soup (Mr. The Quilting Booklady's recipe) and it's simmering away right now. This should take care of dinner for the week so I won't have to worry about that. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Cajun and Creole food! Maybe it's all those weekend days watching Justin Wilson on PBS back in the olden days before the Food Network when TV's had dials and rabbit ears and we all learn to cook from Julia Child. OK must go, there's bindings to sew, soup to stir, rice to make, Xmas cards to find somewhere in the dreaded closet-o'-stuff-I-have-no-where-else-to-put, and 900 other things to do. More tomorrow (with photos!)


  1. I started the Christmas cards tonight but got bored after I wrote 4-at this rate I should have them done sometime around Valentine's Day! I have yet to do any Christmas shopping and don't have too many clues on what to get. No decorations up in the house (don't tell the Christmas natzi!) Went back ou to SweethHome today-had to buy that gray fabric and i didn't have enough fabric for the outer border of the Saturday project-the awful directions just continue! So what am I doing? Playing suduko on the computer!!

  2. Please don't let the boat leave without me....cause I am definitely on it!

  3. What's in the soup recipe? I only read *so* many quilters blogs and I skimmed hers but didn't see it...but I love making soup! Can you send it on please! :) Thanks!


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