Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Coffee and Books

Last night I had a great night out (on a Monday!). After my day job, I went to have coffee with S. at (no not Starbucks) Two Dancing Goats. The cool thing about Two Dancing Goats (besides the fun name) is they have the uber-ultra-mega-expensive-unbelievably-awesome coffee brewer called the Clover, which is currently the top of the line coffee brewer. Let me tell ya, it makes one excellent cup of coffee. So I had a fabulous cup of Costa Rica La Minita del Sol .

Then we went to a lecture by Rick Atkinson , Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter and author. He gave a lecture about his second book in a trilogy about World War II called The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy 1943-1944. It was a great lecture and he is a wonderfully entertaining speaker. I got my two books signed by him and he was very gracious with everyone answering questions and chatting while signing books. The first book in the series An Army at Dawn: The War in North Africa 1942-1943 is one of my all-time favorite books (I told him that too--I'm such a dork!) Anyway, if you have any interest in history, I highly recommend his books. He brings military history to life in a wonderful narrative way (i.e.: not dry or boring!)

In local news, Atlanta seems to be running out of gasoline. Besides the numerous closed gas stations I've seen around in the past week, tonight there were actually lines of cars wrapped around and down streets waiting for gas--something I'd only seen photos of from the 1970s! I am glad I filled up over the weekend but am now wondering if there is some contingency plan....I mean just for getting gas to get to and from work which is all I do anyway. Um.....hello Governor/Homeland Security/somebody....y'all better get it together...it's not like we have much of a choice here in metro ATL with the lack of public transportation....


  1. You're too young...but I remember the lines in the 70's and the gas shortage...deja vu all over again. I got gas before the weekend and I too am trying to be really careful and not drive too much.

  2. Your evening sounds great! Glad you have more time-off to do fun things in the evening. Your coffee report was interesting. The lecture sounds perfect for your love of history.


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