Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fay is visitng from Florida

Well I'm all wound up and can't sleep for two reasons. 1. we did coffee tastings all night at SBux and I think I had a few too many and 2. I drove (crawled) home in a blinding rainstorm. Bands of rain from Tropical Storm Fay were passing through ATL all day and it started raining a flood right when we were closing SBux.

Becky wanted an update and bad blogger me, I didn’t post all weekend. Not quite sure where the weekend went. Friday night was the big sale at Sweet Home Quilt Co. I think we were the most lively and loud group in Conyers that night. Karin, Cindi, Carol, Sarah, and a few Crows and lots of other quilters were there buying jelly rolls, layer cakes, patterns, books, and yardage.

I bought backing for my “Firecracker” quilt and some miscellaneous neutrals (quilter’s logic rule #8: buy good neutrals when you see them because you always need neutrals). Also bought a couple of patterns and some stuff that was not on sale. I hope Melisa & her staff had fun because we all sure did. I hope Melisa recovered from this weekend also...

Saturday, I lazed around a bit and then pieced backings and put borders on some quilt tops (two of my least favorite things to do). This seemed to take all day and that’s about all I got done.

Sunday, worked at SBux the usual long Sunday shift, went to the grocery store, was in shock by the rise in prices and by how much money one can spend on groceries and still not have any food (I haven’t been to the store in awhile—just skating by on PB&J’s, eggs and toast, and yogurt/granola), and that about did me in for the day/night.

I think this is going to be a long week if today was any indication--an icky Monday kind of Monday. I can't wait for the long holiday weekend. Hurry up Friday.


  1. Where's your "Bad Melisa" bag?

  2. The weekend was a BLAST! I'm so glad everyone had fun - we did, too, but it is a good thing we only have an anniversary here once a year. I didn't even get out of my PJs all day Sunday, and I'm still struggling to get caught up (what is today? Wednesday already!)

    Funny story...our security is through City of Conyers Police Dept and I had arranged for extra patrols during Midnight Madness. When I logged in Saturday morning, the dispatcher said the night shift officers were talking about the rowdy bunch at the quilt shop and what a party we must have been having over here! Had to be the early crowd that got their attention - grin!

    We'll do it again next year!


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