Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Quilt and A Cat

Not much happening around here. I'm looking forward to another weekend of sewing. Hurry up Saturday!!! The three quilts I took to my long arm quilter are ready to pick up so I know I'll be sewing some miles and miles of binding.
Here's a quilt I made a number of years ago and it's one of my favorites. I love the cheery 1940s colors.
Here's Edgar Poe looking so sweet and innocent (look fast he doesn't stay that way for long--he usually is either getting into trouble or thinking about getting into trouble....)

1 comment:

  1. You must bring the finished products to sisters....I am hoping to have the 2 I took to Peggy by that weekend as well. I have another one almost ready to go. Who is keeping up with who??


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