Friday, June 20, 2008

We interrupt this post....

I am continuing my vacation from the day job today because well, I kinda need to ease into the real world from being on vacation and working tonight at SBux will be enough. Ten days was the longest vacation I have had since being an adult I think. Plus I get to spend some quality time with the cats, who have graced me with no ill will for leaving them for so long. Of course my dear friend KJ did a wonderful job catsitting and spoiled them in my absence.

I am also spending a lot of time catching up on blogs. Amanda left a great comment and said that I'll have to live on bread and jam due to Gomez Mega-Bux. You are so right, Amanda!!! I'm thinking some whole wheat bread and blackberry jam from Whole Foods.

LATER>>>> Well I was working on this post when my friend Becky called and said a bunch of my sewing buddies were up at the LQS sewing and they wanted me to come up and sew with them. It was like the Bat Signal (in the shape of a featherweight???), I dropped everything and grabbed my stuff and off I went. Aren't friends the best at getting you sidetracked? I was planning on cleaning house today but that can always wait until tomorrow. It was so great to see everyone and I worked on my Orange Crush quilt for a few hours. Well it's off to SBux. More later.

PS: THANKS BECKY for the Bat Signal!!!!!


  1. Welcome home was so much fun in both of my classes. The girls were in RARE FORM!!! The pictures of your trip are amazing. Treasure the memories!


  2. How wonderful to have your house cleaning interrupted - it's the sort of thing most of us pray for, and rarely happens. There's no point cleaning until you can really see the difference anyway - and once it reaches that point how much worse can it get in one day? Or two?

  3. Glad your back and priorities are in order. I heard you were both at sisters. I went last night to pick up rotten vegetables and mostly to hang out with the group. I managed to get the binding on but ran out of steam and ended up on the couch by 9! Ahh...old age!!!

  4. I've been away and had family visit so I'm behind on blog reading...I read yours and find out you were almost in my neck of the woods (I live south of Seattle). I think I took my family to that Pike's market the day before you were there!

  5. Friday was so much fun! Glad that you were able to join us at the shop to sew. Just love that image of the "Bat Signal." Welcome, home!

  6. You must be working way too need a vacation afater your vacation!!! How is Gomez??


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