Monday, March 24, 2008

Post-Easter post

Missed posting yesterday so I hope everyone had a great Easter. I worked at Starbucks all day. We were really busy (not busy like the infamous Easter which is forever known as "Die Bunny Die day" by those who worked that day but busy nonetheless). Guess everyone wanted coffee to go with their Easter candy. Holidays always make me think of holiday dinners at grandma's house. I can tell you what all my relatives in the North were having--ham, homemade rolls, my aunt's jello salad, mashed potatoes or maybe sweet potato casserole with mini-marshmallows, green bean casserole or corn casserole or both, and at least 2 homemade desserts. I had (get ready for this) EASTER PASTA! It was all that was in the pantry. Definitely NOT the same...

Did not finish borders on the quilt I was working on Friday. Did some wool applique though while watching movies. Saw 2 movies this weekend--"No Country for Old Men" and "The Painted Veil". Really liked "No Country" because A) it was a Coen brothers movie and B) the acting was great and C) it captured Cormac McCarthy's storytelling--bleak, stark Western landscapes, ambiguous, no happy ending for anyone. "The Painted Veil" was mostly a disappointment even though it starred Edward Norton and Naomi Watts. It was overly long, could have used some heavy editing, and was predictable in my opinion. I also have been watching "John Adams" on HBO. It's a good series. I especially like Abigail Adams' character played by Laura Linney.

Finished reading Stephen King's latest book Duma Key. Loved it! It was one of his better books that he has written lately. I have read nearly every book he has written (I think he is up to 40 or something). I'm behind on the Dark Tower series but may start over with those. Anyway the theme of Duma Key is exploring the source of art and inspiration with a Stephen King twist. I am now reading a novel called Serpent's Tale about a medieval woman who studies forensics (!) Rather far fetched but readable.

1 comment:

  1. Our traditional Easter meal has changed over the past few years and turned into a barbecue at Sue's house since the little girls don't eat much anyway and Rob can do the cooking! I guess traditions are sometimes meant to be changed.
    On a book note-I ordered the snow book from Amazon since I have finsihed all of my library books.
    Bailey arrives on April 5th. check the link on my blog for Laurie and see what I am up against. (Please Bailey don't do anything while your mother is in Japan).


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