Friday, February 1, 2008

Word of the day is...


What a great word, why didn't I think of it???!!!??? Found it when I was reading the latest issue of Mark Lapinski's irreverent magazine Quilter's Home. I love that "quiltress" sounds young and hip and sexy--something to tell non-quilters who look at you funny when you tell them you make quilts. You know, the people who think all quilters are boring, grandmotherly, spinster, cat-ladies. Here's some characteristics of a Quiltress I came up with.
A Quiltress...

...*would* wear these boots or her Doc Martins
but prefers to quilt barefoot (to better show off her toe rings).
....loves her featherweight not only because it's a great little machine but because it's black. quilts to raucous music.

...uses the word kickass to describe something quilt-related.
...still wants to be a pirate when she grows up.
...has this fabric in her stash
...likes to whack off borders instead of measuring (Suzanne!)
....thinks the best quilt retreats have equal parts laughter and quilting (and an occasional bottle of wine or perhaps a margarita). annoyed when people (usually spouses or S.O.'s) ask "what are you going to do with that quilt?" more annoyed when people say "don't you have enough quilts/fabric/books/sewing stuff?"
...has quilting friends who are bad influences (hey Debbie--how's your patriotic quilt? hee hee)
Any Quiltress out there have more ideas? Send me some suggestions.


  1. I do believe you are the quintisential quiltress! Ithink I would add the a quiltress has a side not always visible but can become wild and crazy in a very good way.qmagrm

  2. Hi Gretchen,

    Hope you are having a good Sunday. Finally found your blog. Great seeing you on Sat. Great looking site.


Thank you for your comments! I appreciate each and every one and will try my best to respond back.