Thursday, October 31, 2013


Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday.  Since this year has been so upside-down and sideways with moving and getting the house ready to sell (plus my Halloween kitties are all in Santa Fe), I am posting some classic photos of the cats to celebrate this year.

Stella as Vampira Bella.
Edgar Poe as Jack Nicholson in "The Shining"  Heeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrreeeeee's Edgar

Remy as CATZILLA, Destroyer of Boxes

Gomez as a Gargoyle

And me....well I've been watching "The Walking Dead" too much lately............


*kd. said...

Awesome!!! You're so fun and clever.

Monica said... it!

Stitched With Prayer said...

LOLOL!!! Oh Gretchen, I LOVE the kitties Halloween persona's. Great pictures and super cute ideas for who they are. The Shining is one of my favorite movies, so Edgar Poe was absolutely perfect, LOL. But then, they all are. I can't help but wonder though, why that handsome Remy didn't strike one of his debonaire Cary Grant poses. But then, it is obvious that the terrible box needed immediate destruction, so first things first. I've never watched "The Walking Dead", but I know it is super popular! Big Hugs to you and scratches and rubs all around for your furry ghosties and ghoulies...

Michelle said...

Great post! Kitties are so entertaining...hope you are reunited with them soon!